Welcome to Simply-Docs

Share your Ideas

As always at Simply-Docs we’ll be continuing to frequently add and refresh the documents we have available on the website.  We understand that we can always be doing more so we’ll be remodelling the corporate and business folders to ensure that you get the most from them.

This year, we also would like to hear more from you. We recognise that we may not always have the documents you are seeking available on the website.  However, we’d like you to let us know what documents you feel could be added to the Simply-Docs website so we can make reasonable endeavours to make them happen for you.

If you have any document suggestions, we would love to hear from you. We want 2014 to be the year where our document expansion is bigger than ever.

We have already created new documents for Business Continuity, a Dress and Appearance Policy and Sponsorship Agreements amongst others as a result of requests we have received in the past.

So if you have any ideas you would like to share with us, let us know and leave your suggestions below.

Simply-4-Business Ltd Registered in England and Wales No. 4868909 Unit 100, Parkway House, Sheen Lane, London SW14 8LS
